Our HistoryWho is WASAC?

Washington Academy for Safety Accreditation and Certification - WASAC was established in 2009 in Washington D.C by two partners, Manny Tamer (Visiting Lecturer at A&T State University – North Carolina) and Fredrick Drinkhouse, (Licensed Professor and expert in accrediting and certifying HSE professionals), both Certified by the Board of Certified Safety Professional-BCSP, the highest HSE certification institute in the USA.

WASAC developed a system of training certification under the highest standard and in line with BCSP and National Safety Council-NSC, and in compliance of Occupational Safety and Health Administration – OSHA and other Regulatory Agencies in the USA.

WASAC first clients were engineers and technicians from Anadarko Petroleum Corporation in Washington; this had opened the door wide for other companies in the field of hazardous waste, oil& gas, manufacturing, etc.

WASAC employs only credible professionals and certified in at least one qualification with BCSP.

WASAC had provided immense amount of training and certifications to employees in many Middle Eastern Countries and all Gulf Countries from 2010 until 2019.

WASAC expanded to cover facilities in many states and opened a center in NY in 2011, In 2022 WASAC center was reopened in Arlington Massachusetts, and later in 2023 WASAC had partnered with Cairo Academy for Safety Accreditation and Certification – CASAC in Cairo - Egypt.

Don't Miss a ThingOur Vision

We are a training and accreditation academy based in Washington (DC) and Arlington – Massachusetts; our vision is to be the first-choice provider of top-quality Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) education and training throughout the communities it serves, and to accredit HSE organizations to provide world class training, consultation, and other services.

Our Mission

WASAC's mission is to add value and make a difference in the HSE success in your organization and of your projects. With the extremely dedicated and experienced staff, we strive to provide you with the highest training standards by offering affordable, flexible, quality academic opportunities and extraordinary services, enabling adult employees to maximize their professional and personal potential, and serve communities in which they live and work. As a leading international health and safety training and accreditation organization, WASAC is working to :

  • Make sure that people are at the heart of health and safety
  • Be the definitive voice for health and safety at work
  • Advance high professional standards
  • Champion realistic risk management, based on professional advice
  • Support its graduates as leaders in health and safety while working and promoting health and safety in their communities

Aims and Values - the “Code of Conduct”

WASAC recognizes its obligations to all those with whom it has dealings: corporate, students, employees, local and international employers and industries, other educational institutions and the local community. Our Staffs are committed to ensuring that they conduct their business in accordance with the highest ethical standards, to this end, every management member signs a Code of Conduct. This is based upon the seven Principles of Public Service, these are: Selflessness, Integrity, Objectivity, Accountability, Openness, Honesty, and Leadership.


HSE is an important part of WASAC / CASAC Consulting’s business culture. The organization aspires to maintain high Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) standards at our offices and each of our work sites. Our key objectives are to:

  • Prevent work-related injuries or illnesses
  • Prevent damage to property and/or equipment from our activities
  • Prevent adverse impacts to the environment from our ongoing projects or operations To meet these objectives, we will :
    • Prevent work-related injuries or illnesses
    • Ensure active Management participation in all HSE initiatives.
    • Identify HSE hazards and risks associated with our activities.
    • Eliminate, minimize or control identified hazards and risks
    • Provide a safe working environment for all our employees and ensure they are trained to carry out their work safely.
    • Ensure compliance to the HSE system requirements against legislative, regulatory and voluntary requirements; and requirements of OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001.
    • Perform audits to assess effective implementation of this policy.
    • Monitor and report measurable HSE objectives and targets to enable continuous improvement.
  • We require that our suppliers, customers and visitors adhere to this policy at all times


In the provision of its services as a world-class Training Provider, WASAC / CASAC is committed to providing fair access / equal opportunities throughout the delivery of its courses and assessment leading to the completion of WASAC / CASAC courses, or 3rd party qualifications/certifications. The objective of this policy is to ensure that both delegates and organizations with whom WASAC / CASAC does business are treated fairly and equally irrespective of gender, color, ethnic or national origin, age, marital status, disability, family circumstances, socio-economic background, and so forth.

WASAC / CASAC aims to comply with any legislative requirements that intend to prevent unfair discrimination and/or protect equal opportunities and ensure that any changes to current legislation are reflected in this policy.

By facilitating the structure and contents of its training courses as well as its processes for assessment, WASAC / CASAC will exploit reasonable effort to :

  • Ensure delegates/candidates receive fair and equal opportunities in order to help and encourage them to reach their full potential through training and development while safeguarding the integrity of its training courses.
  • Prevent unnecessary barriers to achievement (including but not limited to arrangements for access, assessment of training needs, reasonable adjustment, and special consideration).
  • Guarantee fair assessment to all delegates/candidates, including those with particular assessment arrangements;

In order to meet these criteria, WASAC / CASAC will exhaust reasonable effort to make adjustments and special consideration (whenever deemed appropriate as to the circumstances) to delegates/candidates undertaking WASAC / CASAC courses and/or organizations with direct links to WASAC / CASAC courses. WASAC / CASAC monitors the commitment of its Staff to equality and diversity from time to time.

Some Of our ClientsOur Clients