HSE Training Accreditation is simply a validation process by which training institutions are evaluated against established standards to ensure a high level of educational quality. It is typically accomplished through a peer-review process in which faculty from accredited institutions help to conduct evaluations of either new non-accredited institutions or accredited institutions seeking renewal

Accreditation of a training institute/course means that :

  • There is adequate coverage of the curriculum, with an appropriate mix of lectures, practical work, and revision appropriate to the level of the course.
  • Materials (including presentations, candidate handouts, course tutor notes, exercises, and case studies) are relevant to the curriculum and are kept up-to-date in line with changes to the curriculum.
  • Trainers are appropriately qualified, are skilled in teaching, have knowledge and experience of the subject area, are familiar with the curriculum, and keep themselves up-to-date in line with changes to the curriculum.
  • The training course provider has the capability to offer the training course in terms of organization, physical resources, administration, trainers, finance, and marketing.
  • Sufficient guidance is available to Candidates and their employers, before enrollment, on what level of prior knowledge and experience is expected for each course.
  • Candidate numbers are matched to the resources available.
  • Candidate feedback is actively sought and acted upon.

Accreditation is awarded to providers who offer outcomes-based learning programs aligned to the WASAC HSE registered unit standards and qualifications. It is given to a provider, usually for a period of three years.

Accreditation must also be seen as an audit process of the provider’s quality system and the learning program which will be offered. It ensures that learning and assessments result in nationally recognized credentials, and ultimately in the achievement of a formal qualification.

The Accreditation of Organization Health & Safety Training System (AOHSTS) is for Organizations who wish to have their training schemes validated by Washington Academy for Safety Accreditation and Certification (WASAC). Accreditation indicates that the training scheme has the appropriate criteria for working towards HSE training quality system.

WASAC offers a clearly defined and structured route to accredit organizations training schemes for health and safety by the Evaluation Council.

Any accreditation visit from WASAC Certification Authority will use the 10 core criteria in determining suitability for the provider to become an accredited WASAC HSE training provider.

The 10 core-criteria are the following and the following policies and procedures should be submitted to WASAC for a desktop compliance check.

  • 01 - Policy Statement: The organization’s aims, objectives and purposes are spelled out.
  • 02 - QMS: Outline procedures that implement quality management.
  • 03 - Review Mechanisms: Outline the ways in which the implementation of policies would be monitored.
  • 04 - Programs Delivery: Outline how learning programmes would be developed, delivered and evaluated.
  • 05 - Staff Policies: Outline policies and procedures for staff selection, appraisal and development.
  • 06 - Learner Policies: Policies and procedures for the selection of learners are outlined, and learners are given guidance and support.
  • 07 - Assessment Policies: Outline policies and procedures for forms of assessments that are used and how they are managed.
  • 08 - HSE System and Policies: Outline policies and procedures towards the health and safety of employees, visitors, the public, and the environment.
  • 09 - HSE Advancement Policies: Policy directed toward development and certification of professional HSE trainers and consultants.
  • 10 - Management System and Policies: Indicate the financial, administrative and physical structures and resources of the organization, as well as procedures of accountability within the organization

In addition to the 10 core-criteria, the visiting panel will particularly look at the company’s provision of training in HSE to meet the competences and skills required to become Certified Health and Safety Professional; the following are aspects which will be audited.

  • There must be clear evidence of HSE knowledge being acquired and exploited by the trainees.
  • The training officers’ qualifications.
  • The training given to the training officers.
  • In-house training facilities.
  • The use of outside resources – if training is delivered by off-site companies how is the quality of their training measured.
  • The companies support towards continuing professional development.

Provisional accreditation means that the provider meets the ten core criteria stipulated for accreditation. It also means that the learning programs are aligned to WASAC registered qualifications and standards.

Procedures to get your company training scheme accredited.

A panel from WASAC will visit your organisation, to see the training scheme in operation. Decisions regarding the scheme will be made after discussions with trainees and mentors – having due regard to the intrinsic merit of the scheme, mapped against the defined criteria. As the visitors’ findings are subject to ratification by a committee of WASAC, the panel is able only to outline intended recommendations, not a decision on the day of the visit.

Please find a step-by-step description and flowchart diagram of the application process below :

  • 01 - Initial Contact – call and speak to the Academy’s professional development team to discuss the accreditation of your company training scheme.
  • 02 - Request an information pack – we can send you the information pack through the post or alternatively email a copy directly to your desktop.
  • 03 - Advisory Meeting offered – staff from the professional development team is happy to meet up with you and your colleagues to discuss the requirements for accreditation and to help with any queries you may have in meeting the criteria for accreditation.
Application Submitted and Reviewed
  • Application submitted– if the Academy is accrediting your scheme for the first time, then we require 2 hard copies of your application submission, otherwise 1 copy is fine.
  • Staff assessment– assessments are done by the Academy’s staff members as they see it effective, or, we will ensure that all administrative checks are made before the visiting panel comes in for assessment.
  • Team assessment– if the assessment is not done by the Academy staff member during the staff assessment visit, then your application will be distributed to the visiting team, which consists of member representatives from WASAC, they pre-assess the application prior to visiting the company.
  • Questions referred to Organization/Company– if the visiting team have any complex questions regarding the application submission they must be answered before the visit is arranged.
Accreditation Visit
  • Accreditation Visit – a visiting team of 1-2 people will visit the company and will expect the company to follow the sample program provided in this document, feedback is given to the company on the day along with the visiting team’s recommendation.
  • Accreditation report written by Team – the visiting team write a report on the accreditation visit and provide the company with a recommendation only.
  • Final Review and Decision
    • Report seen by WASAC panel – this report then goes to an accreditation panel of assessors who have responsibility to make the final decision on the Organization application.
    • Accept / Conditional Acceptance / Reject – the first period of any scheme’s accreditation will be for 2 years, whereupon it may (at the end of this term) be renewed for a further period of 2 years.
    • Company and Professional Standards Committee notified – the Academy (WASAC) will contact you with the outcome of the assessment with structured feedback. The Professional Standards Committee govern and regulate the way in which staff in the professional development team conduct their day-to-day activities.
    • Organization added to the Academy’s register – your Organization is profiled on the Academy’s website and publications.
  • Client submit course outline and material (trainer and students handout).
  • WASAC Team will review and respond with comments within 2 -weeks, if any.
  • Client responds with feedback and update.
  • WASAC reviews update and award accreditation for the course if approved.

The application process can take up to 2 months from start to finish; WASAC imposes the following fees for accreditation :

  • Training and Consultancy Organizations – $2000.00
  • Trainers: $1000.00
  • Topical Course: $500.00

The above fee is for the accreditation (or re-accreditation) process; this fee, which covers costs relating to the review, assessment and appraisal, is payable on submission of the formal application for accreditation. Furthermore, travel and accommodation expenses applies.

the Academy reserves the right to implement a monitoring visit at any time after the granting of accreditation. A minimum of one month’s notice will be given prior to any such monitoring visit, and no fee is payable except for travel and accommodation.








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